10,00 €
“You guys are a fun bunch, no question, and pretty crazy too. Italian crazy or British crazy? Sergea Pepper crossed with Monty Python? Five Ninetto Davoli’s looking for a Toto? Or Swiss: Fischli Weiss doubled, doing another “The Way Things Go”? And Africa – an ethnographer’s nightmar and Turbo’s paradise? – Besides Les maitres fous, it also made me think of Australia/New Guine: remember “Trobriand Cricket” from the 1970s, or its reality-tv revival: “Last Man Standing”? And this in a brain that makes New York’s West Village its home! Fantastic.”
Thomas Elsaesser in conversation with Alterazioni Video
Fondazione Cineteca Italiana Manifattura Tabacchi – Viale Fulvio Testi 121 – Milano | ©Fondazione Cineteca Italiana 2021 – Tutti i diritti riservati | Patrimonio sociale: 150.000€ | REA MI1668482 | PEC matteo.pavesi@pec.cinetecamilano.it | C.F. P.IVA 11916860155 | Developed by DkR s.r.l.